Completed Projects


Integration of Women through Digital Entrepreneurship - WIDE

  • Location: Serbia, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Republic of Northern Macedonia, Romania
  • Goal:
     Specific objectives are:

    1. Increasing digital skills in women from rural area to develop an entrepreneurial aptitude. Digital technologies are a great opportunity for rural women to compensate for their environment deficiencies to join the labour market and/ or carry out actions of entrepreneurship;

    2. Increasing digital skills in adult women from rural area who already have a business idea in mind but lack in ICTs skills. Therefore, ICT-based learning could foster greater opportunities for business in many ways such as accessing related information for reducing uncertainty, and participating in economic activities more competitively.

  • Value: 141 901.00 €
  • REDASP Role: Lead organization
  • Donors:
    Erasmus Plus Program through TEMPUS offices in Serbia
  • Partners:
    IDP European Consultants Italy, Institut za razvoj zajednice Republika Severna Makedonija/Community Development Institute The Republic of North Macedonia, Institut za visoku obuku za politike zajednice Belgija/INSTITUT DE HAUTE FORMATION AUX POLITIQUES COMMUNAUTAIRES Belgium, INTERNET WEB SOLUTIONS SL Spain, Udruženje za održivi razvoj u obrazovanju Rumunija/Association for Sustainable Development in Education (ADDE) Romania
  • Results:
     WIDE project will produce several intangible results such as: 

    R1: the online e-Platform as the Open Educational Resource (OER). The WIDE Platform will be the gateway for adult low skilled women to access the knowledge base and use the training content and tools to build entrepreneurial opportunities.

    R2: Rural Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Manual - WIDE project will identify and build entrepreneurial opportunities provided by local assets in agricultural, touristic (hospitality, food & beverages, tour guides, etc) and cultural field with a focus on the target groups of small operators and those professionals/enterprises of these sectors.

    R3: Development and validation of WIDE training solution - training courses specifically designed for women

    Implementation period: December 2021 - December 2023

    EU funded small

Straigtening capacities of local stakeholders and young people on regional level in the domain of EU cohesion policy

  • Goal:
    Promotion of cohesion policy concept and instruments and strengthening capacities for implementation of Cohesion Policy (negotiating chapter 22) among institutions, organizations and young people in the territory of 3 NUTS 2 regions in Serbia.

  • Value: 44 990.00 €
  • REDASP Role: Lead partner
  • Donors:
    Nemačka organizacija za međunarodnu saradnju - GIZ/German organization for international cooperation - GIZ
  • Partners:
    Regionalna razvojna agencija Jug/Regional Development Agency South, Regionalna razvojna agencija Srem/Regional Development Agency Srem
  • Results:
    1. Developed methodology and modules for the set of hybrid, interactive trainings;
    2. Total of 3 two-day hybrid trainings with minimum of 180 participants implemented;
    3. Improved knowledge and skills of local institutions (especially young population) in the 3 NUTS 2 regions;
    4. Promoted cohesion policy concept and instruments on 3 events with minimum of 150 participants;
    5. Conducted a targeted seven-month campaign with an out reach of at least 50,000 people;
    6. A poll at the beginning and the end of the project for the participants of the training modules, scoping level of the information before and after the capacity building intervention;
    7. Created evaluation questionnaire and designed set of recommendations as contribution to the planning and implementation of capacity building and awareness raising activities at the local level in the medium term.

    Implementation period: September 2022 - June 2023

Supporting the catering sector from the territory of the city of Kragujevac in mitigating the effects of the pandemic of COVID-19

  • Location: Kragujevac
  • Goal:
     Overall objective: Contribution to the development of the catering sector on the territory of the city of Kragujevac
    Specific objective(s): Creation of opportunities for capacity improvement and increased competitiveness of catering facilities involved in the project

  • Value: 65 392.34 €
  • REDASP Role: Lead partner
  • Donors:
    The European Union for local development - EU PRO PLUS
  • Results:
    1. Improved administrative and technical procedures in catering facilities involved in the project 
    2. Improved skills of bartenders in catering facilities involved in the project 
    3. Improved skills of waiters in catering facilities involved in the project 
    4. Promoted the results of the implemented activities to the target group of catering facilities

    Implementation period: June 2022 - February 2023

    EU PRO PLUS bso projekat eng

Link up! Serbia II - Mentoring Serbian SMEs and vulnerable groups for internationalization through diaspora, and early stage entrepreneurs from diaspora to Serbian market

  • Location: Šumadija and Pomoravlje region
  • Goal:

    General objective: Internationalisation of each mentored SME and attracting diaspora investment in pitched projects

    Specific Objectives: 

    1. Outsourcing and scheme, followed by the organized webinar and outsourcing activities for 3 outsourcing projects with LSGs, SMEs and diaspora. 
    2. Diaspora pitching event organized in online or hybrid form. Mentoring Program 1 implementation in overall skills and capacities for internationalisation for 10 SMEs and 10 targeted individuals and MSMEs from vulnerable groups. 
    3. Mentoring Program 2 implementation in investment and business opportunity development support for 5 SMEs (ESG and impact Investments) and 5 targeted individuals and MSMEs from vulnerable groups. 
    4. Mentoring Program 3 implementation in Early Stage Entrepreneurship Program support for 7 early-stage diaspora entrepreneurs in Austria and 20 targeted individuals and MSMEs from vulnerable groups. 
    5. Outsourcing with Diaspora Business Hub.
    6. Organize successful diaspora day and follow up action planning Cuprija and attract other LSGs to join the event and practice as an outcome.

  • Value: 16 123.80 €
  • REDASP Role: Lead partner
  • Donors:
    Austrijska razvojna agencija / Austrian Development Agency
  • Results:
    1. Mentoring scheme segment on outsourcing developed and piloted. 
    2. 10 SMEs mentored for successful short - term or medium - term internationalization (market entry) towards DACH markets. 
    3. 10 targeted individuals and MSMEs from vulnerable groups were empowered for diaspora engagement.
    4. 5 SMEs mentored for competitive business opportunity proposals. 
    5. 5 MSMEs and VG mentored for competitive business opportunity proposals. 
    6. 7 SMEs in Early Stage Entrepreneurship Program
    7. 20 MSME and VG in Early Stage Entrepreneurship Program. 
    8. Medium - term and long - term internationalisation of each mentored SME.
    9. Investment and business opportunities developed for SMEs and LSG. partnership by the Link Up! Serbia II expert.
    10. Diaspora days organized for 15 business diasporans and for at least 2 LSGs (hometowns) interested to invest or partner with local companies. High level local officials, RDA and diaspora approved a medium term plan of cooperation and projects. Action plan follow up implemented until the end of the grant action. Long term cooperation on organizing diaspora day events secured and expanded to new member LSGs. 
    11. Implemented Webinar disseminated information regarding the outsourcing, the mentorship for SMEs, and the pitching event. 
    12. Inputs from the Kragujevac Regional Stakeholder Meeting (October 2021) for drafting of the policy proposals for the LSGs and the Government during the grant implementation in 2022 (annex 4). Joint RRA policy proposal submission. 
    13. At least 3 Outsourcing projects agreed with the diaspora and based on the support from the Diaspora Business Hub. 
    14. Business Diaspora Pitching event organized in cooperation with the business diaspora mapped and engaged with the Link Up! Serbia II project. The pitching will be realized through the Business Atlas for Serbia and Diaspora , section for Business Diaspora Pitching , and in accordance with the model developed by the project team. The even may be hybrid (physical and online). REDASP internalized its participation in the regular Diaspora Pitching Event which will be organized after the project ends with the DACH Diaspora Regional Network. 
    15. Participated in the conference in Switzerland, Germany and Austria. 716. Exit Strategy of all core actions developed and implemented(internationalisation). 
    16. Supported digitalisation of picked successful diaspora investments and local municipalities in grant 1 of the Link Up! Serbia II project (follow up activity).

    Implementation period: May 2022 - November 2022

Strategy for Development of the Urban Area of ​​the City of Kragujevac and the Municipalities of Batočina, Lapovo, Rača, Knić, Topola and Aranđelovac

  • Location: Šumadija District
  • Goal:
    The goal of the Strategy is to define common directions for the development of the urban area of ​​the city of Kragujevac and the municipalities of Batočina, Lapovo, Rača, Knić, Topola and Arandjelovac, to propose common goals and methods of action, and to facilitate the implementation of joint urban development projects.
  • Value: 0.00 €
  • REDASP Role: Partner
  • Donors:
    Program Evropske unije za lokalni razvoj - EU PRO PLUS
  • Partners:
    Grad Kragujevac/City of Kragujevac, Opština Aranđelovac/Municipality of Arandjelovac, Opština Batočina/Municipality of Batočina, Opština Knić/Municipality of Knić, Opština Lapovo/Municipality of Lapovo, Opština Rača/Municipality of Rača, Opština Topola/Municipality of Topola

Improving the investment environment in the city of Kragujevac

  • Location: City of Kragujevac
  • Goal:
    To improve services and mechanisms for attracting and working with investors in the city of Kragujevac.
  • Value: 38 450.00 €
  • REDASP Role: Lead partner
  • Donors:
    Razvojna agencija Srbije/Development Agency of Serbia
  • Results:
    • - Established efficient organizational structures for working with investors
    • - Developed capacities of employees in the administration and support organizations for work with investors
    • - Developed tools for the promotion of investment potentials of the city and more efficient attraction of investors

    The project is being implemented in partnership with the city of Kragujevac, with co-financing from the Development Agency of Serbia.

    Implementation period: January 2021 - June 2022.

Support to Competitiveness and Tourism Development in Central Serbia - Sumadija and Pomoravlje

  • Location: Šumadija and Pomoravlje districts
  • Goal:
    To support competitiveness and Tourism Development in Central Serbia - Sumadija and Pomoravlje
  • Value: 86 596.36 €
  • REDASP Role: Lead partner
  • Results:
     Expected project results:
    • - Destination management organization for Šumadija and Pomoravlje established
    • - Developed destination destination marketing plan - marketing mix for 3 tourism products
    • - Designed proposal of a set of standardized services for providers of catering services in the facilities of domestic handicrafts and rural tourist household
    • - Identified and described opportunities for investing in tourism and presented to potential investors
    • - Increased regional capacities for the use of the e-tourist platform and the use of donor funds and programs of the European Union
    • - Developed a portfolio of small investments in the field of tourism

    Project is funded by the European Union and the German Federal Government, and implemented by the German Organization for International Cooperation - GIZ.

    Implementation period: May 2021 - July 2022


Interregional Electromobility Networks for intERurban low carbon MOBility - EnerMOB

  • Location: Adriatic - ionian region
  • Goal:

    ENERMOB project aims to implement “Interregional Electromobility Networks” connectingAdriatic-Ionian regions at transnational level with same standards

    Such overall ENERMOB objective is structured through 3specific objectives: 1. To define common guidelines to implement electromobility systems according to same technical standardsand communication protocols; 2. To implement joint strategies for mobility and urban planning of electromobility systems in theframework of existing regional transport networks; 3. To implement regional “Small-Scale Infrastructure Network” allowinginterurban electric transport displacement between cities, rural areas and intermodal terminals.

  • Value: 1 265 918.62 €
  • REDASP Role: Project Partner
  • Donors:
    Interreg V-B Adriatic-Ionian Cooperation Programme
  • Partners:
    Libero Consorzio Comunale di Ragusa, Primorsko-goranska županija/Primorje-Gorski Kotar County, Region of Peloponnese, Regionalna razvojna agencija severne Primorske d.o.o. Nova Gorica / Regional development agency of Northern Primorska Ltd Nova Gorica
  • Results:

    Main expected project results is to enhanche capacity building to plan and implement Adriatic-Ionian “InterregionalElectromobility Networks”, connecting regional “Small-Scale Infrastructure Networks” at transnational level and promoting lowcarbon transport solutions.

    More information about EnerMOB project:


Fostering Innovation in the Danube Region through Knowledge Engineering and IPR Management - KnowING IPR

  • Location: Slovenia, Slovakia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Romania, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Moldova, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Switzerland
  • Goal:
    KnowING IPR will improve framework conditions for innovation in the Danube region by developing a transnational KnowING IPR platform, which will provide an open access tool for advanced intellectual property rights (IPR) analysis, and guidelines for improved and harmonized IPR policy framework across the Danube region. It will ensure broader and needs-based access to existing innovation and research results, to patents and to IPR knowledge and will encompass services and training for the management of IPR and for support to commercialization of research results and technology transfer.
  • Value: 2 149 800.00 €
  • REDASP Role: Partner
  • Donors:
    Interreg Danube Transnational Programme
  • Results:
    The main result of the KnowING IPR will be a practical solution in the form of an open access Knowing Hub online platform providing knowledge extraction from patent and other databases, advanced analytics, and training for IPR extraction and management, thus enabling IPR collaboration, better informed freedom-to-operate, future trend decisions, and build-on innovation processes. Furthermore, the project will yield evidence-based Policy Recommendations for the Danube region in the field of IPR.

    KnowING IPR logo

Support for the improvement of the business environment in the territory of the Pomoravlje district

  • Location: Pomoravlje district
  • Goal:
    Contribute to favorable socio-economic development and create opportunities to increase the competitiveness of economic entities and encourage employment of young people, women and vulnerable groups from the territory of the Pomoravlje district.
  • Value: 65 960.00 €
  • REDASP Role: Lead partner
  • Results:
    1. Improved capacities of start-up companies from the food sector from the territory of the Pomoravlje district
    2. Improved conditions for additional employment of young people, women and vulnerable groups from the territory of the Pomoravlje district
    3. Improved visibility and positioning of start-up companies from the food sector from the territory of Pomoravlje district
    4. Improved good governance and cooperation with SMEs in the municipalities of Pomoravlje district

    The project is implemented within the Support Program of the Kingdom of Norway for the Development of the Western Balkans - Norway for You - Serbia, funded by the Government of Norway, and implemented by the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS).

    Implementation period: October 2020 - September 2021
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Fostering the implementation of shallow geothermal hybrid heating and cooling systems in the Danube Region - Danube GeoHeCo
Fostering Innovation in the Danube Region through Knowledge Engineering and IPR Management - KnowING IPR
EnerMOB - Interregional Electromobility Networks for intERurban low carbon MOBility
WIDE projekat
Supporting the catering sector from the territory of the city of Kragujevac in mitigating the effects of the pandemic of COVID-19
Building the ADRION Brand Name in Tourism: Indulging all Five Senses
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