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Regional economic development agency for Sumadija and Pomoravlje in cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental of the Republic of Serbia on 01.03.2015. started realization of the project entitled „Improvement of the capacities of Sumadija and Pomoravlje region for the implementation of the European Landscape Convention“ after the Rulebook on the criteria for landscape identi_cation of the Republic of Serbia was drafted and adopted in 2014, and the method of evaluation of their signifcant and characteristic features.

The world is becoming smaller and smaller. More and more people are travelling on a short-term basis. And more and more people are migrating on a semi-permanent or permanent basis. Some are searching for new opportunities, others are migrating out of necessity. This creates opportunities as well as challenges for authorities and stakeholders alike. Knowledge is the key to transform challenges into opportunities and developing relevant knowledge. This was one of the rationales of MMWD project (Making Migrations Work for Development).

The delegation of Šumadija and Pomoravlje in connection with taking part on the Festival of European cities and regions- ``Open doors``, held on May 4th in the Region`s Committee. The delegation consisted of the representatives of the municipalities of Senjski rudnik in Despotovac, including the representatives of the Ministry of culture. Other European regions and institutions. By the initiative of he Regional Economic Development Agency of Šumadija and Pomoravlje the meetings were held on May 3rd in the premises of the region Koruška and Istria kanton, as well as a reception in the premises of the Chamber of Commerce of Serbia in Brussels.