Human Resources Development - Services


Consulting in the sphere of the human resources management

  • Department: Human Resources Development
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    The practical base for the Human Resources Management for SMEs which refer to employment, professional development, stimulating the work efficiency and the discovering of the managers` potentials, by:

    • The organizational structure,
    • Job description
    • The manual for the employees- establishing the payment system
    • The motivation and the management of the performances
    • Respect of the work law, making work contracts and similar ... 

Organizing trainings

  • Department: Human Resources Development
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    The Department for the development of the human resources is in charge of carrying out the process of planning and organizing the trainings as a front representative of the RDA.

    The trainings which are a part of our catalogue and refer to the business spheres and the necessary skills for the successful running of business, foreign languages, the IT technologies, the strategic planning and the project management.  

The Analysis of the training needs

  • Department: Human Resources Development
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    During the period of the economic instability companies should find a way of adequate management of costs, at the same timekeeping their best employees, motivating them and providing their productivity. The training and development play an important part both in the preparation of the employees to take over new, altered, more complex tasks, and as a non-financial motivator.

    In compliance with all of the above mentioned the analysis of the training needs is carried out with the aim to see and understand the situation and needs on the labour market, i.e. by identifying the deficient professions and skills in order to provide the recommendations for re-qualification of workers.

The support to the process of recruitment of the new employees

  • Department: Human Resources Development
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    Choosing a good work candidate can present a decisive moment for each employer; whether or not he will have satisfied employees will depend on that, and thus a low fluctuation (turnover) of the workforce.

    Namely, before a person is accepted to work, each employer must have a clear picture what he offers to the employees in return for their work: whether it is a prestigious salary, the possibility to advance, further professional development, the security of employment or something else? Choosing the best candidate who has shown the highest level of knowledge and skills is not the most important thing which should be leading the employer when making a decision, but it is rather the wisdom to estimate which candidate best fits into the organization culture of the company and the respective job post.

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