Departments: Infrastructure Development

Departments: Infrastructure Development
Sector for Infrastructure Development within the Department for
Territorial Development of Regional Development Agency was
formed in 2009 with the purpose to provide effective and
efficient implementation of infrastructural projects and
projects from the field of environment protection, as well as
to support identifying and attracting investment funds for
financing the projects concerning infrastructure and
environment protection. The reason why this sector was formed
was... »
- 05.09.2019 - Infrastructure Development
eGUTS - Project Final Conference - 10.06.2019 - Infrastructure Development
EnerMOB project - Regional IPA Conference - 27.12.2016 - Infrastructure Development
Development agency of Serbia assessed REDASP work as "excellent" - 12.12.2011 - Infrastructure Development
Signed Agreement about cross-municipal cooperation on implementation of the regional project - Reconstruction of the national road of I category M4
Department Services
- The management of the brown-field sites
- Making the project ideas in compliance with the EU standards
- Planning the development of the local, inter municipal and regional infrastructure
- Making the plan documentation