EnerMOB - Interregional Electromobility Networks for intERurban low carbon MOBility


In recent years, the European policies on the deployment of alternative fuels are acting as a driving force to several EU projects to promote sustainable mobility through the enabling of electric vehicles to circulate at least in urban/suburban agglomerations and other densely populated areas.

The ADRION area is featured by an inadequate coverage and accessibility of public charging infrastructures in order to enable electric vehicles to circulate in the ADRION regions, not to mention the lack of common standards needed for the operation of such infrastructure. Such criticality generates a limitation for the medium and long range trips within the ADRION regions for the use of electric vehicles.

In this framework, the EnerMOB project aims to study and support common solutions for electric transport systems at interurban and interregional level, by implementing pilot networks of charging infrastructures and by assessing sustainable technologies to manage energy demand of electic mobility.

The project mainly aims to promote the use of electric vehicles in the existing regional/local transport systems of the ADRION area according to interregional common guidelines and to capitalize on experiences of already tested projects and actions by more advanced EU States.

Moreover the project will develop pilot actions to test longer connections between different cities with the use of electric vehicles, by checking possible problems in the driving and charging phases.

To reach the project objectives, ENERMOB involves mainly regional and local authorities that can plan and implement pilot actions and small-scale investments. Project will also focus on the implementation of coordinated strategies through the use of common technologies and standards.

Within their main outputs, the project will develop a pilot model of transnational electric transport network connecting parallel local networks of electric vehicle supply equipment, in order to overcome interurban and interregional restrictions.

Programme: Adriatic-Ionian Programme INTERREG V-B Transtanional 2014-2020

More information about the project: https://enermob.adrioninterreg.eu/


Newsletter no. 1 - Newsletter 1 EnerMOB.pdf

Newsletter no. 2 - Newsletter 2_EnerMOB

Newsletter no. 3 - Newsletter 3_EnerMOB

Newsletter no. 4 - Newsletter 4_EnerMOB

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EnerMOB - Interregional Electromobility Networks for intERurban low carbon MOBility
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